A Basic Guide to Family Law

There are many different types of law within the UK, one of these is family law. Family law is very different to other types of law, such as the laws regarding charities and businesses. Family law can include subjects such as divorce, separation, child custody and guardianship. Understanding how family law can be applied to particular situations can make dealing with issues much simpler and much easier – although it’s also recommended that you seek the advice of a barrister or solicitor.


Types of Family Law

  • Separation and Divorce
  • Parental Rights
  • Domestic Partnerships
  • Surrogacy
  • Adoption


Separation and Divorce

As unfortunate as it is, separation and divorce are a fact of life. Separation and divorce are usually the best option when a relationship or communication between a couple begins to break down. Separation and divorce is one of the largest sections of family law that solicitors practice as it is such a common occurrence.


Parental Rights

The area of family law that is labelled parental rights covers a wide variety of topics. These topics include the circumstances surrounding divorce and separation and the rights of the parent in regard to crimes committed and concerns or previous involvement with social services. The laws around parental rights would also include parents that are fighting for the custody of a child or a number of children.


Domestic Partnerships

Domestic partnership laws are very similar to the laws surrounding separation and divorce, only a domestic partnership is for those that decide to live together without going through the formal procedure of marriage. Domestic partnership laws decide on the division of assets within the home and custody of children.



Surrogacy is also covered by family law, although these laws can be complicated due to the sensitivity of the subject. It is recommended that a qualified solicitor or barrister be consulted before any individual places themselves in a surrogacy agreement. If you do not consult a qualified solicitor or barrister before entering into such an agreement there could be negative consequences as a result of it.



The process of adoption is not a simple one, and so it often takes the work of a qualified solicitor to aid individuals through the procedure. There are some solicitors that specialise in just adoption due to the lengthy and intricate process – on the other hand the majority of solicitors should be able to deal with any issues relating to adoption without encountering problems.


These are five main features of family law; if you feel that you are currently in a situation that would come under family law we recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified solicitor or barrister. For more information on family law and how these laws affect various aspects of your life you can get in touch with us here at Access to Barristers Direct. We’d be more than happy to help you by providing you with professional services and expert advice.