Consumer Legal
Access2Barristers Direct lets you obtain an expert legal opinion on a wide range of personal matters, without the unnecessary complication, or significant cost, of involving a solicitor.
Issues on which you might seek help include family matters such as:
- divorce
- custody
- access
- inheritance
or residential matters relating to:
- construction
- boundary disputes
- nuisance
or financial matters such as:
- tax planning
- insolvency or bankruptcy
or personal issues like, say:
- libel
- negligence.
Fast, cost effective help with personal issues and problems
By letting us connect you directly with a barrister who is expert in the relevant area, you can obtain a swift and authoritative view on which to base your decision on what to do next, without incurring the cost or time loss involved in going through a solicitor.
If action is then required, Access2Barristers Direct works with your barrister to take care of all work involved in preparing and delivering the necessary paperwork.
- Cuts time taken to obtain clear opinion
- Eliminates solicitors’ costs
- Streamlines communication between you and the true expert on the relevant law